Sunday 24 March 2013

The City of Port of-Spain at Night

Street vendor on Frederick St.
The city is a place where there is constant movement and activity of all kind. The day is mainly the time to engage in formal business activities but at night the informal sector comes alive. The city seems to always be busy but at some nights its a little more relaxed. The pedestrian traffic is reduced and so is the hustle and bustle as most of the formal businesses are closed. The city rests but only certain aspects. There are those that operate in the night as well as in the day, these are groceries, fruit stalls, bars food restaurants e.g. KFC and many others.
Formal Businesses closed
There is very little evidence of class fragmentation at night as there is no discrimination evident when you see persons conversing and socializing and engaging in activities that removes the tension that has been built up during the day. The night brings an air of calm and a spirit of freedom. When you observe the dress of persons on the streets its difficult to determine who are the have and the have not. It makes one ask the question as to why segregation even exists within cultures and this is mainly displayed in the day. But at night it's not the main focus, it's amazing to see how varying ethnic groups and classes are able to remove the cloak at night.
It's refreshing to see persons just enjoying the space and what it has to offer at night because during the day time rushes past so quickly that glances are only made to the narrow view of focus at the time. The informal sector of the city is busy at work as there are many who on the sidewalks hang their items to sell to those passing by. These businesses cater to the needs of the shift workers, who during the day are unable to conduct some of their activities. Amidst all of these are the persons that you see sleeping on the sidewalks on their card board beds in the cold of the night where there is minimal movement and noise usually connected with the city

City at Night

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post! It would be great to have you reflect directly about the networks and connections of the day-time post you made early on -- some of the same pics are here at night -- but here you are in a car taking a picture through the windscreen, and earlier you may have the glass down or may be a pedestrian -- you can reflect on the difference night and day make to your personal sense of space too!!

    I like these photos!! Do make them bigger!! you have a great eye.

    I also like this moment in your reflection:
    "It makes one ask the question as to why segregation even exists within cultures and this is mainly displayed in the day. But at night it's not the main focus, [...] ." So, what is the main focus at night and why is the space so different? I'd like to hear you talk about this more -- I think you're on the brink of some wonderful insights.

    Again -- no links to the outside world here :( and not much theory -- but still, a nice post, especially in relation to your earlier one on the daytime! DrK
