Friday 22 February 2013

The Not So Good Side of the Urban Space in Port-of Spain Trinidad

Housing for Displaced
"The city is a place of intense juxtapositions of many kinds. These may be juxtapositions of land use, social groups, levels of wealth and poverty" p.g. 104 Hall et al.
Nipdec Car Park
There are many economic activities that encompasses the attention of persons about the city, but there is another side that persons seldom pay attention to "The Homeless." Upon entering Port-of Spain or leaving the city there is a reminder to persons how fragile economic status can be. The Nip-deck Car park situated int he city of Port-of-Spain has been  turned into a housing complex for persons who have no home. In most citizens minds these persons are there because they are substance abusers, however, a closer look will open the eyes of many. Most of these people are not substance abusers but victims of the inequalities created by the systems of development. Many of these persons are well- educated and at one time owned a home and had a job, but due to some circumstance or situation, all that they possessed was taken away like a thief in the night. Then there are those who were living in another country and were sent back or returned to Trinidad because of financial or other reasons. There was no  family or friend that they were able to turn to so shelter became the place called home.Some of these people have jobs and are trying to regain a sense of independence, which will take time. The struggle continues as they are trying and fighting to keep a positive attitude, even though all around them factors are not encouraging to want to persevere.
When one sees these people on the streets of Port-of-Spain they look just like you and me, many of them.A persons situation is not visible be just watching them. The story behind every homeless person will vary, but instead of passing judgement or ignoring it will serve us better to give assistance where possible. "Life is such a funny thing that you're not sure that you won't be in that position in the future!" So don't just ignore, what contribution can each individual make to distribute some of the resources of the city by helping those less fortunate. All that is needed is compassion.

1 comment:

  1. If NIPDEC is short for something, please spell it out, eh. Please try to substantiate your reflection with evidence if you are going to say things like, "Most of these people are not... "; or "Many of these persons are... ." You can use the latest CSO stats to back up these statements and help to inform your readers with statistics. Where is your last quote from?

    Also, are you sure that this is the "not so good side?" It's better than many other places, eh! DrK
