Friday 22 February 2013

The Not So Good Side of the Urban Space in Port-of Spain Trinidad

Housing for Displaced
"The city is a place of intense juxtapositions of many kinds. These may be juxtapositions of land use, social groups, levels of wealth and poverty" p.g. 104 Hall et al.
Nipdec Car Park
There are many economic activities that encompasses the attention of persons about the city, but there is another side that persons seldom pay attention to "The Homeless." Upon entering Port-of Spain or leaving the city there is a reminder to persons how fragile economic status can be. The Nip-deck Car park situated int he city of Port-of-Spain has been  turned into a housing complex for persons who have no home. In most citizens minds these persons are there because they are substance abusers, however, a closer look will open the eyes of many. Most of these people are not substance abusers but victims of the inequalities created by the systems of development. Many of these persons are well- educated and at one time owned a home and had a job, but due to some circumstance or situation, all that they possessed was taken away like a thief in the night. Then there are those who were living in another country and were sent back or returned to Trinidad because of financial or other reasons. There was no  family or friend that they were able to turn to so shelter became the place called home.Some of these people have jobs and are trying to regain a sense of independence, which will take time. The struggle continues as they are trying and fighting to keep a positive attitude, even though all around them factors are not encouraging to want to persevere.
When one sees these people on the streets of Port-of-Spain they look just like you and me, many of them.A persons situation is not visible be just watching them. The story behind every homeless person will vary, but instead of passing judgement or ignoring it will serve us better to give assistance where possible. "Life is such a funny thing that you're not sure that you won't be in that position in the future!" So don't just ignore, what contribution can each individual make to distribute some of the resources of the city by helping those less fortunate. All that is needed is compassion.

Friday 15 February 2013

CULTURE and CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS of Port-of-Spain Trinidad

 “Development in the cultural and creative industry sector has been seen as particularly significant in the regeneration of some deindustrialised inner areas.  In analyzing the development of the cultural industries sector in cities it is difficult to generalize as the sector displays enormous diversity.” (Hall et al pg. 81).
The urban environment is diversified in cultural and creative expressions that depict the multifaceted variations of society of a place. Historical and present day traditions which adopted over the years are distinctly visible. The activity that encompasses this in Trinidad is “Carnival.”
Carnival is celebrated annually during the month of February for approximately a week in the city of Port-of-Spain Trinidad, but prior to this month before various events occur to the build-up of carnival. The activities are wide and vary, filling the atmosphere of the urban city and the country with music, freedom and creativity. Many citizens and visitors take the opportunity to totally “let free,” of the stresses of life. People of different religions, ethnicity, nationality and mind-sets converge to have “FUN.”
The activities that persons become engaged in ranges from: Panorama, Calypso tents, Calypso Monarch, Soca Monarch, Ex-tempo and parties held by various promoters, where soca artistes perform. The historical and present day issues that shape culture are depicted in the creative displays of costumes that encompass the streets of Port-of Spain from carnival Friday to Tuesday. Both old and young are engaged in these activities. These events allow the transference of traditional and historical aspects of culture to the youths and also to visitors.
The “Calypso Monarch” competition consists of two parts the main event occurs in the city. The songs sung by these calypsonians highlight issues, events and situations that have occurred in the country. It is a forum where education of the public on issues entailing how government dealt with or are connected to events relating to acts of corruption, lack of proper representation and management of the country’s finances are expressed and viewed openly without fear.
Talents of the people are seen in all activities from the playing of steelbands, to the costumes created and the cleaver forms of presenting information in in songs through the ‘double play’ on word meanings.
Although activities occur throughout the country, the main activities are conducted in the city. The organizing and funding for most of the activities are obtained from government departments and private institutions. The NCC (National Carnival Commission), being the main organizer  These institutions to a great extent regulate the carnival events. The role of the government and private institutions maintain their power over what occurs in the urban environment. However, it’s also a time when even the informal economy of the city (characterized by diversity that continually changes in response to shifting circumstances and opportunities, pg. 93) are able to reap economic benefits. Carnival contributes to the distribution of wealth, although it is still uneven or unequal.

Friday 8 February 2013

DAYTIME IN the Urban Space of Port-of-Spain Trinidad

Hustle and Bustle
Old building
"Urban Geography by Hall and Barrett, (pg 3)." It is quoted: " We live in an urban world, or more accurately many different urban worlds. It is against this background, a growing dynamic urban world characterized by increasing interconnection and inequality that faces challenges." The the journey begins by exploring the varying facets of the Urban Environment. "The increasing connectedness of the world, where people and places are linked together in a complex economic, political and cultural networks. It is important to consider how the broader processes are mediated by local contexts, thinking about the internal geographies of cities and the complexity of our urban lives and experiences, (pg 7)."
During the day the Urban Environment comes alive! The pitter - patter of busy feet as people make their way. The plying of vendors as they try to sell their goods to people passing by. The movement of persons and cars of varying shapes and sizes all connected to the conducting of business activities.
 Buildings both of modern and historical architect come to life as services and goods are displayed through showcases and opened doors that welcome all customers.
The church yards are converted to car parks as persons and cars move in and out. Banks are hubs of traffic as people enter to conduct financial transactions and exit when they are finished.
Modern building
Local and international influences are evident from the establishment of businesses such as "Mangoes" and "K.F.C." Bright sings and billboards indicate the varying levels of technology advancements utilized by businesses, indicating popularity and capital levels, "the urban world is far from uniform,( pg 7). The role and status of cities is shifting within our increasingly globalized world, where the speed, spread and depth of economic, political and cultural linkages is increasing and changing,( pg 9)."

National Library
Persons are also engaged in educational and recreational activities as children make their way home, some visiting the "National Library" to do research, borrow books and study of socialize. Then there are those who are just taking some time amidst all the hustle and bustle to relax and observe and converse with others that they meet in the city.